Learn from the geeks and from new friends

We’re data people with people skills, experienced in evaluating marketing. You’ll get the chance to pick our brains and share learning with your fellow students.


Magic Works was born from Dr Grace Kite’s mission to share what analysts know about how marketing works


Grace says:

“Data people like me and my amazing team at magic numbers know so much about what works in marketing.

And what we know isn’t from textbooks or 30 year old articles in an academic journal.

It’s from the front lines. It’s the stories of real marketing people – like you – what they do, how they get it done, and when it works.”

Throughout our courses you’ll have support from Grace and from the Magic Numbers team.

People who have spent their careers evaluating marketing using data, available to you as you learn.

But don’t worry, we aren’t that ivory tower sort of numbers person you might have met.

Down to earth, friendly, and open, we promise to always be simple and clear.


Dr Grace Kite


“I believe in the power of marketing to drive growth. I’ve seen it happen many times, and I’ve coached hundreds of marketing people to harness that power for their own business”

Grace is the founder of Magic Numbers and Magic Works.

She’s also a columnist at marketing week and WARC and a regular speaker on marketing effectiveness.

Grace has contributed to 14 IPA effectiveness awards, including the Grand Prix for Cadbury in 2022.

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