Go Woke Go Broke
‘Go woke go broke’ is nothing more than a catchy line, according to this study that covers 392 brands in 58 regions.
‘Woke marketing’ is a derogatory term that describes ads that align with a cause that’s unrelated to the product. The theory goes that it doesn’t help the business sell more stuff, and it doesn’t do much for the cause either.
Boot’s 2024 Christmas ad is a case in point. It features a black Mrs Claus, and gender-neutral pronouns as she describes a gift: “Oh that’s very them!”. It’s attracted not just criticism, but even calls on daytime TV and in the press to boycott Boots.
Whether or not ads like this drive sales effectively is perhaps not the point. Inclusive advertising, just like inclusive TV programming and inclusive policies in schools, are a good thing in themselves for the progress they bring for our society. For my money, an ad like this is about as Christmassy as you can possibly get🎄️
But, dear friends, I know you do like a bit of effectiveness news.
And despite the scepticism, the evidence is that ads with social issues, diversity, and inclusivity can be powerful.💡The chart shows that businesses who air them are more likely to be first choice, have higher pricing power, stronger consideration and improved trialling and loyalty outcomes.
Even though it’s survey data – and people often answer what they think they should say, rather than what they will actually do – the data points to the sceptics being wrong.
And if that’s not a jolly message for a jolly December chart of the month, I don’t know what is!
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